Friday, November 14, 2014

Analysis of needs for financial instruments in the EU Strategy the Danube Region

Something from documents : Analysis of needs for financial instruments in the EU Strategy the Danube Region (EUSDR), Metis GmbH authors: Peter Schneidewin, Marlene Hahn, Alice Radzyner.
Basic pillars:
Projects of the Action Plan 
The EUSDR consists of four pillars which form the “core of the Strategy”, i.e. the 
headline issues to be addressed in the implementation (e.g. ‘Pillar 1: Connecting the 
Danube Region’). These four pillars are in turn divided into 11 Priority Areas (PA) in 
total (E.g. ‘PA 1: To improve mobility and multimodality’). These PA represent the main 
areas where the macro-regional strategy is to take action. Since the Strategy aims to 
encourage an integrated approach, each PA however relates to more than one policy 
field. Each PA is coordinated by a Priority Area Coordinator who are to work in close 
contact with relevant stakeholders such as the European Commission (EC), Regional 
and Local Authorities, Inter-Governmental and Non-Governmental Bodies, and so 
forth. Figure 1 depicts this basic structure of the EUSDR.

Level of delivery 
The chain of delivery between the ‘source’ of funding and the project owners is highly 
complex. This results in a high level of complexity for project owners to apply and to 
access funding which in turn leads to a number of barriers ranging from time 
constraints to bureaucratic difficulties involved in the application process. Moreover, 
the delivery chain influences how much the actual needs of those project owners or 
applicants are taken into account at authority level (regional, national and EU). Finally, 
the more complex the delivery chain, the less flexibility and the longer the processes 
for the application and ultimately the implementation of projects. 
A characteristic feature of Cohesion policy is that there is no single model of 
implementation. Within a common regulatory framework, Member States determine 
their own approach to management and delivery. Therefore there is a lot of variation 
between administrative structures and resource allocation systems. In each Member 
State, the national government departments and sub-national actors can play different 
roles in the implementation systems (depending on their levels of competence and 

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