Huge divisions in society, which is characterized mainly with financial (dis) abilities, have made and will inevitably lead to division in the young. For those who are educated and those who end their education at the basic secondary education, ie. This basic division is going in depth and width and touches all segments and affects all levels: the style and way of life, opportunity and lack of employment opportunities, activism and non activism in political and public life ...
Young people aged 15-35 years, according to the census of 2002, there about a million and a half, which is one fifth of the total population of Serbia. The average annual college and university schools enroll about 80,000 students, of which only 30% complete begun studying.
The National Youth Strategy of the Republic of Serbia, said among other things: "Looking at the trends of the modern world, impacts of globalization on labor markets, redistribution of power among the world powers, stronger pluralism and individuality of young people worldwide and accelerated technological development while come of age, in isolation and poverty , surrounded by violence, are excluded from the system of decision-making related to our development, restricted movement and opportunities for education are convinced that society is a vital resource, the basis without which our society has no future. We seek the care of the state system through strategic inter generational partnership in the business of building companies and institutions through: - draft a law on youth and other legislation relating to young people - support for sustainable national umbrella organization of young people - high-quality implementation of the national strategy for youth in all sectors. As a result, we expect to see results on the changing culture of life through greater involvement of young people and care about their needs and rights regardless of gender, race and ethnicity, religion, political or sexual orientation, social status and handicap. We believe that this is the most correct path of sustainable development and that the only way we can contribute to peace and building a better and fairer society for all the opportunities where we will be free to work, make decisions, love and create. "
In February 2008, the 57 youth organizations signed a "Declaration of the Youth of Serbia", which, inter alias, said: "We want more opportunities for unobstructed movement around Europe, meeting other and different young people and exchange experiences with them. We see this as the best way to overcome isolation, to introduce other cultures and the benefits that life in a united Europe and to carry along with youth from other countries responsibly build a common European future. We want to be part of Europe in which knowledge is valued, in which knowledge acquires a life and, in formal and informal framework. We want to offer our knowledge and innovation give the contribution to economic development and open and democratic society in Serbia. We want to acquire knowledge in a quality educational system of Serbia, but also other countries of the European Union. Also, we invite young people from European countries to acquire knowledge and improve the European Serbia. We do not expect us to actually happen, or make someone do instead of us, we want to actively participate in decision-making and development of the communities where we live, a society in Serbia, but also to get involved in the European Youth Forum, and programs for youth. In this way we expect our active support of the European Union and member countries of the European Union. "
In the past few years I had the impression that in many spheres of public, social and political life, things shifted for the better.
But then happens 10th of the October 2010. Belgrade pride occurs, leading 6500 young people out on the streets to brutally confront not to Belgrade pride , not the police cordons, but that, to oppose the false promises, to oppose to their aimless lives, confront the persistent ignoring of the state ... Disappointment with (non) democratic changes, after ten years has culminated. Journalist Ž.Cvijanović , said: “ These kids are on the streets of Belgrade emerged straight out of hell, they are not a revolution, they were much worse than that, they are punishment “. And yes ... I would say, these kids who come from average (which is in Serbia, the categories of the poor strata of society) really have no alternative. The average is rarely recorded on the faculties of the state budget, still less (since it comes from poor people) are studying at their own expense, and usually have no prospects for legal employment. State continues to fall short in taking care of them. Unfortunately.
Yet 75% of respondents who belong to the category of young people aged 15-19 years is satisfied with their lives despite the general dissatisfaction with the society in which they live, which can be viewed along with the fact that young people in that period are still living as dependents. Of those who belong to a little older group of 20-26 years but only half satisfied, while the other half scared to fundamental problems, they see their role in society and all families rarely based. This brings us to the oldest group of young people under 35 who are least satisfied with their lives as well as educational, business and social engagement, the responsible state institutions. Employment of young people up to 30 years in the industry is 3.46 times smaller in Serbia, than in the European Union. (Report from the end of 2009. Union of Employers of Serbia) Study also found that younger than 30 years in Serbian companies mainly used as the physical labor, and elsewhere in the performance of the transport of goods and services field. The percentage of representation under the age of 30 years in management companies in the territory of the EU was 4.5 percent, which is more than ten times higher prevalence than in Serbia.
However, do not be too hard and too harsh, a shift, especially since the abolition of visas. Many programs, such as various scholarships, the possibility of exchange students, Bologna ... It made countless new opportunities for young people. So we come to the political dilemmas within Serbia, while each party advocating centralized Serbia, others strive for professionalism and transparency of state administration and local governments. Civic activism in general population, especially youth, can be a new initial capsule to overcome the expected, negative and transitional steps of contemporary Serbia. Organizing Youth for spheres of interest, with the possibility of involvement of the diametrically different educational structures in smaller organizational units can be point of reconciliation. Active civil society carries with it the possibility of self-employment, inventiveness, efficiency, developing solidarity and meet the part load bulky caused by the insufficient involvement of the state apparatus.
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