Thursday, November 14, 2013

II Annual Forum of the EU Strategy for the Danube Region was held in Bucharest , 28 - 29th October 2013 , in a building of Parliament - Parliament of Romania (Palatul Parlamentului)

II Annual Forum of the EU Strategy for the Danube Region was held in Bucharest , 28 - 29th October 2013 , in a building of Parliament - Parliament of Romania (Palatul Parlamentului)

More than 900 participants attended the opening ceremony of the II Annual Forum of the EU Strategy for the Danube Rregion, held this year under the slogan : " The Danube region - stronger together , stronger in the world." Commissioner Johannes Han (European Commission, member of the European Commission in charge of Regional and Urban Policy ) pointed out in his introductory remarks to the large number of events , meetings and joint projects during the last year and this year again imposed a priority in terms of implementation of joint actions 14 countries and the EU , which will naturally precede joint strategic planning. A key challenge for all participants of Danube Strategy is certainly imposing priority issues related to the next financial programming framework in the next generation of EU programs 2014-2020 . Minister of Foreign Affairs of Romania , Mr. Titus Corlatean expressed the view that the Danube Strategy in fact , a way to overcome the conflicts in the region occurred in the twentieth century . Common priority both speakers identified in achieving harmony between the protection of the Danube River ( in the broadest sense of words) and economic development.The first plenary session " Danube- way for the development , employment, and greater influence in the world ," was a kind of leave the existence of the Danube Strategy , by government representatives from Bulgaria , Germany , Hungary, Romania and Moldova , while the second plenary session adopted a retrospective of the implemented projects , projects that are underway and planned ( Action Plan EUSDR ) . Panel discussion continued communications between panelists and participants with special emphasis on projects.Most interesting were in turn thematic workshops , which are recognized under four themes : " Connected Danube region ", " Green Danube region " , "Smart Danube region " and " Attractive and safe Danube region" animated the participants in identifying success stories and observing a large number of problems.Of course pointed out the workshop "Smart Danube region ," and exposure Stefan August Luetgenau in terms of presentation , " Tapping the full potential of Macro Regional Strategies," co-author Gabor Schneider. The work is a commentary on the report of the European Commission, European Parliament , European Council and Social Committee , taking into account the value added macro strategies (06.27.2013 COM (2013 ) 468 final. Number of very pressing problems that confront the basic principles of macro-regional strategies (hereinafter text MRS ) plastic proved to the realization of info sessions Danube River Show, with support of the Foundation " Foster Europe ," Danube Civil Society Forum and the Council of Danube Cities and Regions. Approach " bottom- up " , namely direct involvement engaged releases of the Danube Strategy highlighted the key issues faced by MRS , which is , unfortunately, lack of visibility of key players and of course the earmarking of funding from EU programs. Till now both MRS ( Baltic and Danube) failed, with the intention of turning direct participants in communication with institutions , national and international bodies through which they make political and decision makers related to funding and selection of major projects. Also, this document after a detailed analysis brings eight demands arising from direct communication with representatives of the civil sector . first and it seems the most comprehensive is the demand for so-called incorporation identified networks of civil society with local governments in a joint communication and cooperation with representatives of the national body , and then representatives of European bodies , namely the so-called PAC ( priority areas coordinators ) within EUSDR ( Danube Strategy ) .The conclusion of this year's meeting is definitely the necessity of continuing the implementation of the basic principles of EUSDR , the greater responsibility of all stakeholders , greater transparency and harmonization of national priority in teams in creating a new generation of programs.Annual Forum of  EUSDR was attended by 33 representatives from Serbia , among them Mr. Ognjen Miric, National Coordinator of the Republic of Serbia , Mr. Istvan Pastor, President of the Assembly of the Autonomous province of Vojvodina, and Mr. Miodrag Poledica, the Republican Secretary of State Department of Transport.

(Monumental Palace of the Parliament of Romania, formerly known as the People's Palace , built by the communist leader Nikolai probably say Ceausescu , is , after the Pentagon , the second largest administrative building in the world. Parliament was built by 20,000 workers and 700 architects. Parliament has 12 floors , 1100 rooms , corridor 100 meters in length and four underground levels , with a huge bunker to protect against nuclear attack.When in 1984. The ongoing construction of the Parliament , the dictator was a law this building for the seat of government. Today it is the Assembly of Romania and serves as an international conference center . Parliament building was constructed entirely of Romanian materials and exudes quality who performed the best artists of Romania . Visiting Parliament includes a small part of the top quality rooms, great hall and the department, which was used by the Senate. The interior is a luxurious display of crystal chandeliers , mosaics , oak paneling , marble , gold leaf , stained glass windows and floors covered with lush carpets. Interesting Facts : Parliament is the second building in the world by area it covers , after the Pentagon and the third in the world by volume , after Cape Canarevala in America and the Great Pyramid in Egypt. Crystal chandelier in the hall for Human Rights (Sala Drepturilor Omului ) weighs 2.5 tons . Some chandeliers have 7000 bulbs .

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