Thursday, August 6, 2015


Vest | Vojvodina | Novi Sad30. jul 2015. | 14:12 → 17:20 | Izvor: RTV (Aristea Stakić)
Institut za javno zdravlje Vojvodine objavio je analizu uzoraka vode ispuštene u blizini kanalizacionog otvora na Keju u Novom Sadu, nakon izlivanja tečnosti crvene boje u Dunav. Analiza crvene boje koja se pre šest dana pojavila u ispustu kanalizacije u Dunavu kod Novog Sada upućuje na visoko organsko zagađenje, kažu u Institutu. U crvenoj otpadnoj vodi pronađena je velika količina fekalija i bakterija, najviše ešerihije koli ali i elemenata koji oblikom i bojom upućuju na eritrocite i leukocite.

Ploveći Dunavom naučih da je pogled sa obale sasvim nešto drugo od pogleda sa palube smile emoticon 
Dunav je opao, vodostaj velike većine evropskih reka je u niskoj skali, tolilko da je ro-ro saobraćaj u Bugarskoj, Rumuniji zaustavljen...na desetine brodova je u stanju mirovanja u medjunarodnim vodama reke Dunav. I sada, ono što inače "u slobodnom padu" "otiče" u jednom od stotine legalnih i nelegalnih kanalizacionih odvoda ( govorim samo o Novom Sadu) prilikom ovako niskog vodostaja postaje vidljivo ljudskom oku, da ne kažem građaninu Novog Sada ! Dakle, Grad Novi Sad, na čelu sa svim mogućim inspekcijama, pokrajnski i republički sekretarijati i ministarstva, javna preduzeća i dalje NE PREDUZIMANJU konkretne korake u smislu hitnog rešavanja, za početak ODREĐENOG MESTA za buduće POSTROJENJE ZA PRERADU VODA: fekalnih (stanovništvo), otpadnih(industrija) i atmosferskih, tako da se otpaci tehničkog, hemijskog, biološkog i inog karaktera, kao što rekoh, svakodnevno upumpavaju u Dunav...ALI IH MI prilikom srednjeg i visokog vodostaja ne zapažamo...

Friday, July 10, 2015


Dear friends of the Danube,

Thank you for your contributions to the ICPDR Stakeholder Workshop "Voice of the Danube". 
We are overwhelmed by the valuable and important input that you provided to the two draft management plans. 
I may ask you to kindly fill out a short feedback survey form via this links: https://www.surveymonkey.com/s/SCCRHBZ
Please note that photos and background information is already partly online and further documents will be added in due time at this page:
Finally, I may remind you that the public consultation is still ongoing until 22 July. All relevant information can be found here:http://icpdr.org/main/draftplans-2015
We are happy to receive your written comments on the management plans or filled out questionnaires:

Best wishes,Benedikt Mandl
Public Participation & Communication
ICPDR Secretariat at UN Office Vienna (D0415)

Monday, July 6, 2015

Загађеност водотокова дела Дунавског слива у Србији

Као последица високог степена непречишћавања отпадних вода доспелих из комуналних и индустријских канализационих система, у водотоцима Републике Србије је присутан недопустиво висок садржај опасних материја које због свог састава, количине, степена токсичности и других особина могу довести у опасност живот и здравље људи, риба и животиња.

Страна 210. - Закључци, Извештаја о стању животне средине у Републици Србији у 2013. години који је израдила Агенција заштиту животне средине РС

Голушин Душан на линку испод, у виду отвореног писма обраћа се стручној и широј јавности, преко кога нас информише о неопходности укључивања цивилног друштва у праћење актуелног рада државних институција, агенција и јавних предузећа. 

Активиста "Еколошке дисциплине"
Голушин Душан

Министарство пољопривреде и заштите животне средине ће, у периоду од 22.06 до 12.07. 2015. године, спроводити Јавну расправу о нацртима три закона у области заштите животне средине:
Овим путем позивамо све заинтересоване институције, групе и појединце да узму учешће у јавној расправи и да своје предлоге и сугестије доставе Министарству пољопривреде и заштите животне средине према Програму јавне расправе.
Преузмите документе:

Friday, June 26, 2015

Participation Day „Shared Heritage – Common Future“

Wednesday, 28. October 2015 (All day) Ulm, Germany DCSF On the 29th/30th of October 2015, the 4th Annual Forum of the EU Strategy for the Danube Region (EUSDR) will take place in Ulm, Germany. Following the example of last year’s conference, a 2nd Participation Day for civil society actors is scheduled prior to the main conference on the 28 of October, in Ulm as well. The 2nd Participation Day 2015 aims to contribute to a stronger involvement of civil society and local actors of the 14 EUSDR countries in the implementation of the EUSDR. It provides a platform for debate, opinion building, exchange and cooperation for the representatives from civil society organizations and local actors in the Danube Region. The 2nd Participation Day is organised by the Institut für virtuelles und reales Lernen in der Erwachsenenbildung an der Universität Ulm (ILEU) e.V. (Institute for virtual and face-to-face learning in adult education at Ulm University) in close cooperation with a Steering Committee consisting of representatives of the Danube Civil Society Forum (DCSF) of the EUSDR, ILEU e.V., the Priority Area 10 Institutional Capacity and Cooperation of the EUSDR and Agapedia gGmbH. This event will be supported by the State Ministry of Baden-Württemberg, Germany and the Baden-Württemberg Stiftung, Germany.
 Program (Draft)
09.00-09.30 Registration
09.30-09.50 Welcome words and an introduction to the issues and aims of the Participation Day 09.50-10.10 Plenary lecture 1
10.10-10.30 Plenary lecture 2
10.30-11.00 Coffee break
11.00-11.45 Presentation of 5 examples of good practice
11.45-12.00 Impulse to the subjects of the World Café (5x 3 minutes each)
12.00-14.00 Lunch and visit of the poster exhibition and NGO stalls
14.00-16.00 World Café ( methods and themes subject will be determined more precisely)
Social entrepreneurship Civic engagement and civic inclusion Informal and non-formal lifelong learning for all ages Cultural diversity/ minorities Tourismus
16.00-16-30 Coffee break
16.30-17.00 Reports from World Café
17.00-18.00 Summary, resolution of the Participation Day 2015 and closing words
19.30-22.00 Social evening event Venue Haus der Begegnung Grüner Hof 7 D-89073 Ulm

Contact Institute ILEU e.V. Olgastrasse 109 D-89073 Ulm Tel: + 49(0) 731-5026691 E-Mail: info@ileu.net Web: www.ileu.net Registration Sign Up Attached files Participation Day Program – Draft

Thursday, June 18, 2015

Save the date! 2nd Participation Day on the 28th of October, 2015.

Dear Colleagues, dear Friends from the Danube Region,

On the 29th/30th of October 2015, the 4th Annual Forum of the EU Strategy for the Danube Region (EUSDR) will take place in Ulm, Germany. Following the example of last year’s conference, a 2nd Participation Day for civil society actors is scheduled prior to the main conference on the 28 of October, in Ulm as well. The 2nd Participation Day 2015 aims to contribute to a stronger involvement of civil society and local actors of the 14 EUSDR countries in the implementation of the EUSDR. It provides a platform for debate, opinion building, exchange and cooperation for the representatives from civil society organizations and local actors in the Danube Region. The program will include key speakers on important issues of the EUSDR and the Danube Local Actors Platform (DLAP). It will also provide enough scope for interaction and involvement of the participants. The event’s language will be English, possibly with a translation into German. As a permanent structure, a “market of opportunities” will host presentations of NGOs, cities, networks, projects ideas.

Ulm Minster

The 2nd Participation Day is organised by the Institut für virtuelles und reales Lernen in der Erwachsenenbildung an der Universität Ulm (ILEU) e.V. (Institute for virtual and face-to-face learning in adult education at Ulm University) in close cooperation with a Steering Committee consisting of representatives of the Danube Civil Society Forum (DCSF) of the EUSDR, ILEU e.V., the Priority Area 10 Institutional Capacity and Cooperation of the EUSDR and Agapedia gGmbH. A limited number of grants to subsidize the cost of travel and accommodation will be given to successful applicants from NGOs.
Please mark down this event in your calendar. The program overview and information about registration will follow in the next few weeks, together with information about how to apply for a grant. If you are taking part in the Annual Forum on the 29th/30th of October or the General Assembly of DCSF on the 27th of October, you can combine both events. You are cordially invited to come to the 2nd Participation Day, please save the date! Also please forward this invitation to your colleagues who may be interested in taking part. With best regards,
Kurt Puchinger, Coordinator of EUSDR Priority Area A10-Institutional Capacity and Cooperation
Carmen Stadelhofer, President, ILEU e.V. and DANET e.V.
Stefan August Lütgenau, President, DSCF

This event will be supported by the State Ministry of Baden-Württemberg, Germany and the Baden-Württemberg Stiftung, Germany. 

Monday, March 30, 2015



Danube international seminar, organized in partnership with the European Danube Academy, under the auspices of Provincial Government, Provincial Secretariat for Interregional Cooperation and Local Self-Government, public institutions, and private enterprises, as well as national and international partners from Danube region, aims to introduce about 25 students from the Danube region, through the course of four days, and to emphasize the features and options in the Danube region.
Seminar was designed so that participants acquire new knowledge in the field of Danube research, provided through various project activities in order to develop awareness of certain characteristics of the Danube region, as well as challenges of the Danube region.  
The significance of this project is that Republic of Serbia is a partner with German State of Baden Wurttemberg, so the support of this project strengthens the connection between the most richest European province Baden Wurttemberg with Novi Sad, Belgrade and Serbia, and indirectly Belgrade and Novi Sad are becoming the regional centers of the Danube region.

Danube international seminar will cover the topics covered by the EU Danube Strategy in order to help the participants to gain insight into the organization and work of the European Commission, as well as other institutions that work together to create a more integrated Danube macro-region. The following topics will be presented by the relevant theorists and practitioners:
The Danube region as a macro-region, identity and brand
Politics and economy in the Danube Region
Security question in the Danube Region
History and culture in the Danube Region
The Danube in Vojvodina province
Energy and renewable energy sources in the Danube region

Affirmation of multiculturalism and tolerance in the Danube region

  Centar za istraživanje Dunavskog regiona
  Novi Sad, Srbija
  Kontakt +381 (69) 221 88 23
  E-pošta  darec@darec.org

Friday, March 6, 2015

Danube programm

Participants in all 4 SEE thematic seminars organised both before and after the
official launch of the capitalisation strategy gave projects the opportunity to input
the preparation of 3 new transnational programmes (Danube, ADRION, and
Balkan Mediterranean). The conclusions from these seminars were collated by
SEE JTS team and delivered to programming bodies and external experts
designing the programmes. Danube and ADRION both used the input (and
referenced it!) in their cooperation programme texts.
CO-WANDA (waste management in inland transport) developed an online waste
collection booking services for ship operators on the Danube. This application was
adapted by DaHar (Danube harbor development) to meet the needs of sea ship operators
in the Black Sea and was tested in the ports of Tulcea and Galaţi in Romania. This
happened thanks to cross-fertilisation between the Greener Transport Systems and
Multimodal Accessibility to Primary Networks poles.
Exchanges within the thematic pole of Greener Transport Systems resulted in new
tutorials in the IneS Danube learning platform developed by HINT (harmonized inland
navigation training) related to waste management in inland transportation (influence from
Thanks to synergies built with ZEROWASTE (MED project) RE-SEEties (resource
efficient urban communities) took up a waste management tool for local authorities and 14
incorporated it in its own toolkit for local waste and energy management practices. Their
cooperation was facilitated through the Low Carbon Communities thematic pole.
Within the pole of Employment and Demographic Change SEEMIG (managing
migration in transnational context) and MMWD (migration-related strategic policy
planning) were the most active contributors. While SEEMIG put emphasis on data
collection and harmonisation, MMWD offered policy tools for managing migration in the
future. The outputs of both projects turned out to be complementary. In particular,
migration data collected by SEEMIG was used in benchmarking the data feeding
MMWD’s policy planning. SEEMIG took on board recommendations on what sets of
data are needed for policy making.
ORIENTGATE (integrating climate change into policy and territorial planning)
exchanged in-depth with SEERISK colleagues (joint disaster management in Danube
macro region). As a result disaster risk reduction was added to the project’s climate
change adaptation decision-making support tools.
Serbia IS NOT ONE OF THE COUNTRY affected by Danube program !


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